Well the girls recovered from their illness, and dh and I still have a lingering kinda coughy thing happening. S is now teething her 2 yr molars, she is a drooling fiend which is unusual for a 1.5 yr old in my estimation but hey - I'm a weirdo in my views anyway! LOL!
So we had an awesome time at the beach. Discovered that S has a vocabulary at almost 17 mos of 24 intelligible words or signs.... (4-ish signs and 20 words.) We didn't really keep up the sign with her until she was much older - so we're lagging a little with that, but we will be trying to find a sign instructor so that the girls can communicate with their sister and other individuals that practice sign. I think it would be awesome to have them fluent in sign (and of course I'm learning too!)
Anyway we've discovered the M hates noise and S loves it. We caught the Blue Angels first practice since the airshow accident, while in Pensacola, FL.... Sarah loved it, and when it was done she kept signing more and pointing to the sky! LOL! S love birds too... and made up a new sign for bird.... reminiscent of the birdy dancy move... followed by a eee eee. Each birdy was followed by the sign more and her new sign repeated multiple times! Its funny to see her communicate this way. S hated the sand at first lifting her legs until I set her on our towels. Then she began investigating the sand 1 finger at a time, until by the time we left she had sand in her hair, all over her face you name it! LOL! She never did acclimate to the surf, but there is still hope for the pool!
M loved the beach the sand, surf.... and watching the airshow practice, even if she spent the whole time with her hands over her ears. We had an awesome time playing the license plate game on the 6 hr trip down to the beach... we all kept watch for new ones, and she has two favourite state plates... Arizona and Hawaii (purple cacti and rainbow - very girly!)
So when we were driving or not on the beach, I managed 10 of 50 pumpkin hats - my new goal for the end of the year. And I also completed 2 of 50 Christmas hats to make a total of 6 (I think.)
I came home to some fluff mail of yarn-y bliss! LOL! The 3 balls of PW I had just ordered (Rosa&Verde, Otono, Capriccio) So after balling them last night I have the Rosa&Verde on the hook for a pair of LadyBug Pants. I'd love to start making these pants or even the shorties for pay but have no clue where to begin on that front... so I'll just keep on making my own for now... unless someone pipes up and says OH Please make me some!
Life seems really crazy at the moment. As most of the neighbors (I mean local friends - definitely not my neighbors) are gearing up for the wind down of school and the lazy days of summer to come, they seem to be pulling me along into the craziness of their lives. I seem to be getting more involved with happenings and planning things... like helping out with the end of year Daisy/Brownie stuff... I need to pick up supplies for a craft on Thursday.... and other things too.... so life is spinning along at a quicker pace than I'm used to!
Will get pics of the yarn-y goodness when I get a chance.... in the mean time.... anyone know any spinners that would be willing to show a 6 yr old what they do but not necessarily how to do it?
I'm thinking of taking the girls to see a sheep sheering this year, and want to find a spinner to show my almost 6 yr old where my fascination comes from! :) And how it gets made into the products I use today!