Sunday, October 05, 2008

Need Scrapbooking Advice

So, I've renewed my interest in scrapbooking, but now its outside this box (the computer that is!) I want to dabble with traditional, and I think I could interest my 7 yr old in it too - while she plods through her school work, but have a few obstacles in my way that I need to wrap my head around.

I guess I'll start with the reasons I gave up traditional in the first place.

1. Lack of time. (Its amazing what happens when the kids grow a little!)

2. Glue - I think I hate gluing. now I know I'm still doing this wrong, but inevitably when you use glue - think school glue (yes I'm that clueless! LOL!) - the pages warp and loose their nice crispness, so I think I need different types of adhesives.... but what adhesives does a scrapper use and where do I find it?
  • If I want to glue one background to another what do I use for adequate coverage?
  • If I want to glue just a small thing to a page, what do I use for that?
  • If I want to raise something - for dimension - what do I use?
3. Cutting photos??? - OMG isn't that akin to sacrilege! I still can't get past the notion of cutting pictures, its almost as bad as writing in a book! LOL!

4. Being Cheap and lack of storage - I look at my friend's scrapbooking supplies and tools and think - gah with sewing, knitting and kids already in our space where would I find that space for this and still keep my house organize (not that it currently is - but shhhhh let me dream!)

5. Where to find supplies? I don't know, I think dh would have a heart attack if I went supplies shopping to scrapbook! LOL! I mean I walked out of Joann's the other day with $100 worth of stuff (fabric, scrapbook papers, a specific scrapbook.) Joann's, Michaels and Walmart aren't the best places to get supplies either..... but all the online places make me want to hide my wallet!

So I'm thimking hybrid. No storage, except for tools, but printer ink gets expensive!

All this because FIL gave us this cool gift a while ago and lord knows dh and I won't ever use it - but in this months' Scrapbooks etc magazine, they had a cool way idea, and of course one idea leads to another and now I need advice on how to traditional in order to use it!

I really should just stop picking up magazines on a whim!

So who wants to teach me tradition scrapbooking??! LOL!


lovefamilymemories said...

I would be happy to teach you traditional scrapbooking. That is what I do, aside from being a full time teacher.

Gosh, you had a lot of questions. It's probably best that you call me at 940-691-4624 and we can talk directly.

I'm glad you are not using "glue" does warp the paper and the photos.

As far as your daughter, it would be so great to get her into scrapbooking now as my own daughter got into her early high school years (which is a way off for you) she recorded her "first dance," "first job." It is priceless, as it is her own "account" of her life. I can't tell you what it will mean to her own children, one day.

I don't charge for teaching you. Just call me and we'll talk. Or, you can contact me via lovefamilymemories(at)

Mainly, I will teach you how to do it quickly and simply. That is, by far, the BEST way. You also mentioned "30-d" embellishments....or something like that. They can easily make indentations on your pages so I don't recommend those. These albums should be about the photos, and the journalling...yours, as a mother, or directly from your daughter.

Hope to hear from you. I am free for the rest of the day. God bless, Mary in Wichita Falls, TX

AmyDe said...

Oh Honey - You just said the magic words! I have more crap than I will EVER use and you are welcome to come and shop right here! The price is right too - FREE! Please please come and take some of this stuff out of my house and I will gladly show you the basics.

Cutting photos is hard at first, but if they are digitals - who cares? You still have the original on a CD so...

Come - Come - we'll talk and the kids will play!

BTW - Archiver's is a beautiful and dangerous place, but you should definitely NOT go unsupervised for your first visit (HA!).

Michael's, HL, JoAnn's are all fine places to shop for basics, but you really need to know exactly what you are looking for - even some of the things on the "scrapbooking aisle" are not truly safe for your books.