Monday, November 06, 2006

Horoscope and Selling My Wares

I'm not usually a big believer in horoscopes but this one plays with my mind.... there are so many possibilities...

"You're building bridges and making new contacts Libra, thanks to Jupiter opening new doors in your communications sector. You're a social sign by nature, so you'll love the extra interaction. It's prime time to start advertising your wares, to get the word out about what you do, or what you want to do. It'll be people who will guide you toward your goal, so keep your ear to the ground and pay attention to things said in passing. You'll never be thought of as blunt, since you're usually the very essence of tact, but you may be more direct and honest in your delivery, thanks to say-it-like-it-is Jupiter. Ah well, you don't want to be too predictable, do you? Siblings will be a huge source of support this year, either financially or emotionally."

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