Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day 10 - Operation 295

It is early in the day right now - so exercise hasn't happened yet!  But I got started on this post early and hope to be back to finish it! :)

So after yesterday's slacking post, I really did print my journal for the week, and we really did have lunch, and we really did go for a 2 1/4 mile walk around the block (yes big blocks in the burbs!)

The weather is unseasonably warm, for December in our part of the world.  So we took advantage of it and took that walk and my 6 yr old announced that she'd like to do that everyday - I think I've found a walking partner in crime! LOL!    We hung at the park for a little while, the girls played and I shot photos.  Got some really nice outside photos of the girls for my Project Life book! :)  So pleased.

Thanks for keeping me honest.

Today's Mileage - 2.25  mile (yesterday)
Weekly Mileage - 2.75 mile (Goal 8 miles)
Overall 295 Mileage - 6.25  miles!  (week 2)

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